General FAQs
What is the bank's routing number?
First Federal Bank's routing number is 263184488.
Where is the closest branch?
Type in your address or use the map to find the closest branch or Allpoint ATM to you at https://www.ffbf.com/locator.
Do you offer telephone banking?
To use First Federal’s automated telephone system known as AIMEE, call 855-499-6843 and select option 2. This system provides 24 hour access to account information including
- Checking Information
- Savings Information
- Loan Information
- Funds Transfers
- Loan Payments
- Change Password
- Report lost or stolen card
How do I link my accounts to QuickBooks?
Sign into your QuickBooks account and follow the steps to linking your account. The QuickBooks customer service team should assist you with any questions. Their number is 866-561-3780.
Are there educational lessons for individuals with developmental disabilities and resources for family members and caregivers?
The Department of Financial Services created the My Money Program to provide educational lessons for individuals with developmental disabilities and important resources for family members and caregivers. The My Money Program not only makes financial education accessible, it also provides comprehensive information and resources to empower every Floridian with the knowledge to work towards financial independence. Learn More About the My Money program