First Federal Bank values our banking relationship with you. We understand the sensitive nature of your personal financial information and take every precaution to protect your privacy. Trust, privacy and confidentiality are key to our relationship with you. We know that you expect us to uphold these keys to the highest degree and we work diligently to meet your expectations.
Your Privacy
Click here to read our Privacy Statement so you may understand our diligence in protecting your private information.
Your Security
With ever-increasing concerns of online safety and cybersecurity, First Federal has implemented many levels of security to safeguard your online information. Also, there are easy measures you can take to make sure your information is secure.
Protect Yourself
Online Banking Security
To provide assurance that your information remains confidential, our Online Banking system applies industry standard security protocols and uses TLS encryption for transferring data between your computer's web browser and First Federal. TLS is a security protocol used for transmitting information via the Internet. Modern web browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Edge support TLS, and many web sites use TLS to securely exchange confidential user information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. TLS technology scrambles or "encrypts" information as it is transmitted between your computer and First Federal’s computer systems.
Encryption is the process by which information is transformed or coded into a form that cannot be read by unauthorized parties. This process prohibits unauthorized individuals from intercepting and viewing the information and is also referred to as a "secure session". You can tell you’re in a “secure session” with First Federal by the following:
- We require an 8 -17 character password with one upper case, one lower case and a numeric character.
- The website address at the top of your browser screen will change from "http" to "https".
Email is normally transmitted across the Internet unprotected and it could be intercepted and read by others. Please refrain from sending any private information to First Federal via unsecured email. In addition, First Federal will not ask for private information such as account number, social security number, or username over unsecure email. To send a secure message to First Federal, please use our secure Customer Service Chat line. The link to begin a secure online chat is located on the home page.
General Security Tips
Anyone can fall prey to fraud and identity theft. Below are some ways to minimize your risk. If you feel you may be a victim of identity theft, please contact your local authorities and our Customer Service Call Center immediately.
- Shred financial documents and paperwork with personal information before you discard them.
- Protect your Social Security number. Don’t carry your Social Security card in your wallet or write your Social Security number on a check. Give it out if only absolutely necessary.
- Don’t give out personal information over the phone, through the mail, through email, or over the Internet unless you know who you are dealing with.
- Keep your personal information in a secure place at home, especially if you have roommates, employ outside help, or are having work done to your house. At work, make sure to lock up all confidential information in a filing cabinet before you leave the office.
- Inspect your credit report and financial statements. Credit reports contain information about you, including what accounts you have and your bill paying history. Review financial accounts and statements regularly for charges you did not make.
- Be alert and take immediate action when:
- Your bills do not arrive as expected
- You receive unexpected credit card or account statements
- You receive unexpected denials of credit when you have not applied for credit
- You receive calls or letters about purchases you did not make.
Cybersecurity Awareness Tips
- Use a unique username and password for Online Banking that you never use anywhere else, i.e., webmail, social networking or any other online accounts. If hackers get the password for one of your online accounts, they will often try to use it to access other accounts.
- Never include your account number or Social Security Number as part of your username or password.
- Keep your computer operating system, Internet browser, and other software up to date. These updates often address security concerns. This is also true for cell phones and cell phone applications.
- Be cautious with how much personal information you share on social media profiles. Fraudsters can use these sites to collect your personal information to commit fraud.
- Email, phone and text messages are all popular places for scams. Fraudsters can spoof a sender’s email address or phone number to appear to be from you trust.
- Configure any new device with security in mind. Be sure to change default passwords, and beware that default settings are often intended more for an ease of use than to secure the device. Enable security settings that are made available and give extra consideration to those that control information sharing.
Identity Theft
Learn how to protect yourself from identity theft and fraud with some of our tips or through the resources below. If you think any of your First Federal account information has been stolen, please contact our Customer Service Call Center immediately.
Electronic fraud is just like any other type of fraud, it's a criminal pretending to be something they're not. This can mean emails with forged addresses or websites that are designed to look like legitimate businesses. These false solicitations always have one thing in common: they ask you to provide personal information, often by asking you to "update your account information" by providing Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, or other information. Once they have this information, it is easy for an experienced criminal to create a false identity for himself, using your name, and your credit.
Here are some common ways ID Theft happens:
- Dumpster Diving. Thieves rummage through your trash to find bills, credit card offers, and other paperwork with personal information on it.
- Skimming. Thieves steal credit and debit card numbers by affixing special storage devices on ATMs and gas pumps. Inspect all card readers before using them.
- Phishing. Thieves pretend to be financial institutions or companies and send spam or pop-up messages linking to fraudulent sites that ask for personal information.
- Changing your address. Thieves can divert your mailed statements to another location by completing a “change of address” form. First Federal and other companies request customers to switch to electronic billing to help prevent this.
- “Old-Fashioned” stealing. They steal wallets and purses; mail; pre-approved credit card offers; checks and tax information.
If you suspect you have been a victim of ID Theft, here is what you need to do:
- Close any accounts that have been tampered with or opened fraudulently.
- Call Customer Service of the company where the accounts were opened or changed without your okay. Follow up in writing, with copies of supporting documents.
- Use the resources available at the FTC's "Recovering from Identity Theft" page.
- Make sure to ask for written verification that the disputed accounts have been closed and fraudulent debts discharged.
- Place a “Fraud Alert” on your credit reports. The three nationwide consumer reporting companies have toll-free numbers for placing an initial 90-day fraud alert; a call to one company is sufficient:
- Equifax: 1-800-525-6285
- Experian: 1-888-397-3742
- TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289
Privacy Policy
What we do - What does First Federal Bank do with your personal information?
What? - The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include but is not limited to:
- Social Security number and income
- account balances and transaction history
- credit history and credit scores
How? - All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons First Federal Bank chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.
Reasons we can share your personal information | Does First Federal Bank share? | Can you limit this sharing? |
For our everyday business purposes— such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus | Yes | No |
For our marketing purposes— to offer our products and services to you |
Yes | No |
For joint marketing with other financial companies | No | We don't share |
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes— information about your transactions and experiences |
No | We don't share |
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes— information about your creditworthiness |
No | We don't share |
For our affiliates to market to you |
No | We don't share |
For non-affiliates to market to you |
No | We don't share |
What we do
How does First Federal Bank collect my personal information?
- open an account or make deposits or withdrawals from your account
- give us your contact information or apply for a loan
- use your credit or debit card
- sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes— information about your creditworthiness
- affiliates from using your information to market to you
- sharing for non-affiliates to market to you
- First Federal Bank does not share with non-affiliates so they can market to you.
- First Federal Bank does not have any joint marketing agreements between nonaffiliated financial companies.
Other Important Information
*Important Note: First Federal will not call and ask for private information over the phone. However, if you call a bank employee you may be asked to give private information in order to be assisted with any questions or concerns. First Federal does work in conjunction with Fiserv who processes our Visa debit cards. If Fiserv detects any unusual activity on your card, a representative will call you to verify the activity. This has been approved by First Federal.