First Federal Bank My Card Creation Program
The First Federal Bank My Card Creation (“Card”) is subject to these Terms and Conditions (Terms). Additional general terms and conditions apply to your Card as outlined in your Deposit Account Terms and Conditions. If these Terms conflict in any way with your Deposit Account Terms and Conditions, these Terms control. The Card is available to current customers with a personal checking account. If this application is accepted and a Card is issued, by using or permitting another to use the Card, you will be bound by the terms and conditions of the Electronic Fund Transfers Disclosure provided with your Account Disclosures. Your Card will function like a regular debit card and will be accepted wherever Visa transactions are accepted.
By requesting a Card and submitting an image of your choice, you warrant to First Federal Bank that: (i) you are the owner of the image (i.e. the image was taken by you) or you have obtained express consent from the image's owner to use the image on your Card; (ii) you have obtained express consent from any person whose image you use on your Card; and (iii) use of the image by First Federal Bank will not infringe any other person's rights, including intellectual property rights, in the image. You grant to First Federal Bank a perpetual, non-transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide, irrevocable license to use the image and the data you provide to First Federal Bank for the purpose of providing your Card. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless First Federal Bank, and its successors and assigns, against any claims, damages, losses, costs, expenses (including attorney's fees) incurred by or asserted against First Federal Bank caused directly or indirectly by the use of this service or as a result of the image being used on and reproduced on your Card, or arising out of or as a result of First Federal Bank storing, modifying, copying or using the image. First Federal Bank’s liability hereunder is limited to refunding the fee associated with the issuance of the Card and First Federal Bank is not liable to you for any loss, claim or expense whatsoever in relation to any action by First Federal Bank permitted under these Terms. First Federal Bank is not responsible for image quality including but not limited to poor-quality images or images poorly positioned on the Card.
First Federal Bank reserves the right to add to or modify these Terms and to terminate the Card program or Card issued to you, at any time, in its sole discretion.
First Federal Bank reserves the right to reject any image (includes a photograph) submitted or to refuse to issue you a Card, in our sole and absolute discretion. You may not submit images that are unacceptable, including, but not limited to, the following examples:
- Political statements
- Advertising, promotional text, slogans, copyrighted or trademarked material
- Phone numbers, URLs
- Brand names or branded products
- Celebrities, athletes, musicians, public figure, etc.
- MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover or any other payment brand references
- References to any VISA sponsorship property, such as the Olympics or NASCAR
- Socially unacceptable groups
- Provocative or sexual content
- Profanity, obscenities or nudity
- Violence, firearms, weapons, or ammunition
- Alcohol or tobacco
- Any content that might result in problems at point of sale or interfere with security features of the card
- Any content that might infringe, denigrate or dilute the Visa brand or its member financial institutions.
A custom image on your card does not imply any additional security and, when appropriate, you should expect to show a photo ID if requested. If you should lose your card or believe the card has been stolen, call your local branch during banking hours or (800) 472-3272 anytime – and any day of the week.
There is a $10.00 fee for each new Card. There is also a $10.00 fee for each updated image or replacement Card. There is a $10.00 fee for a renewal Card. Please refer to the Service Charge Disclosure. The fee will be deducted from your checking account when you order your Card. If you do not have enough funds to cover the fee(s), your Card request will not be processed. If you currently have a debit card, your new Card will replace your existing debit card. You agree to destroy your old debit card upon receipt of your new Card. You agree to hold First Federal Bank harmless for any loss incurred as a result of NOT destroying your old card.
If you have not advised First Federal Bank within 45 days of the renewal date noted on your Card that you wish to submit a new image for your Card, First Federal Bank will renew your existing Card with the same image. Should you wish to upload a new image, please do so at least 45 days prior to your card expiration date. Do not upload a new image if fewer than 45 days remain until your card expires. Contact us to discuss your options.
If you do not wish to have your card reissued with a custom image, please contact us at 877-499-0572 at least 45 days prior to your card expiration date.